Friday, August 31, 2012

High Five For Friday!

High School Edition...

high five for completing my first week of sophomore year!!

high five for finding out coffee will help your serge through the toughest of high school homework!

high five for coming into contact with my inner artist in my high school folk art class
*rough draft of my portfolio design! traditional initials with my passions merged in!

high five for reaching 100 followers my first week of sophomore year!

high five for looking cute every day the first week of sophomore year!

high five for being the bigger person in several sticky situations this week in high school!


  1. yay for reaching 100! congrats!

    Happy Friday! Stop by and say hello :)

  2. Congratulations on reaching 100! Glad to hear this week at school was fun, I hope next week is ever better. Don't let those sticky situations get you down.

  3. Yayyyyy for hitting 100 followers! i love the support we give each other!

    And coffee is our angel from above, don't you think?! I can't imagine life without it... honestly!

    Found you through the H54F link up!

    xo, Bev

  4. YAY for Friday! Nice to meet you girly! Loving your blog!


Feel free to comment with any type of feedback- I'd love to hear from you!