Thursday, July 26, 2012

"It's Ok" Thursdays

Today I am taking a break from my usual Thursday link up and trying out a new one! I am linking up with Neely from A Complete Waste of Makeup in her weekly "It's Ok" Thursdays! Hope you'll join the fun as well!

IT'S OK...

to stay in your pj's all day

to drink more coffee than you do water

to consider cleaning 'working out'

to wish you had a white-trash television show of your own

to love sleeping on clean sheets 

to sing at the top of your lungs when your home alone 

to do a happy dance when you get comments on a post 

to convert your workout to indoors when you see how hot it is

to bribe your boy friend with food

to celebrate tomorrow being Friday with a huge shopping trip

to leave overly enthusiastic comments to make me happy

1 comment:

  1. I love clean sheets! Now if only someone could come and wash them and put them on. Found you through Sharee's blog- love her! Glad to find you and look forward to getting to "know" you through your blog.


Feel free to comment with any type of feedback- I'd love to hear from you!